Event handling

Michael Houck wrote:

I have some static text that I want the user to be able to click on and
have an event fire. I have a main frame with a panel inside it, the text
is in that panel.

First I tried putting this code in the panel:

  self.someText = wxStaticText(self, TEXT_ID, "SomeText")

  self.Connect(TEXT_ID, -1, wxEVT_LEFT_UP, self.textFunction)

No luck... absolutely nothing happens. I figured that wxStaticText just
didn't trigger events...

I don't know if this will work, but it is something to try.

Instead of using wx.StaticText, do the following -

from wx.lib.stattext import GenStaticText

self.someText = GenStaticText(...)

In my case I wanted to associate a tooltip with a static text control. It
would not work with wx.StaticText, but it did work with GenStaticText.

Good luck

Frank Millman