Errors in Site "Online wxDocs"

In the on line docs for version 2.8.11 it shows the following for
"Online wxDocs" => "Functions" => "Version macros":

Version macros

The following constants are defined in wxWidgets:

   * wxMAJOR_VERSION is the major version of wxWidgets
   * wxMINOR_VERSION is the minor version of wxWidgets
   * wxRELEASE_NUMBER is the release number
   * wxSUBRELEASE_NUMBER is the subrelease number which is 0 for all
official releases

The last two bullets should read:

   * wxRELEASE_VERSION is the release version
   * wxSUBREL_VERSION is the subrelease version which is 0 for all
official releases

I would have submitted a bug report with patch but I haven't yet found
where the relevant source file is.



Thomas M. Browder, Jr.
Niceville, Florida