you have to run EnsureVisible() after the default event handler
finished (after sorting). But I don't know how can you do that..
I have the "same" problem, I made cycled background colors
for the rows, but the sorting fucks up everything
umm... and don't forget that the user can select multiple rows;)
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004, Tertius Cronje wrote:
I use wxColumnSorterMixin in my wxListCtrl and it works
When sort on a colmn the current highlighted row disapears.
Where can I use listCtrl1.EnsureVisible() to ensure that
my curren colmn stays visible after a sort ? Is there maybe
an even that gets triggered ?
def FirstVisibleSelected( self ):
visibleIdx = listCtrl1.GetTopItem()
if not listCtrl1.GetItemState( visibleIdx,
visibleIdx = listCtrl1.GetNextItem( visibleIdx,
return visibleIdx
you have to run EnsureVisible() after the default event handler
finished (after sorting). But I don't know how can you do that..
I have the "same" problem, I made cycled background colors
for the rows, but the sorting fucks up everything
Move your colorizing code to a separate method
(if it isn't already) and call it via wx.CallAfter.
umm... and don't forget that the user can select multiple rows;)
- Sam
Spinward Stars, LLC Samuel Reynolds
Software Consulting and Development 303-805-1446
Use wx.CallAfter to cause it to be called as soon as current and pending events are completed.
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