[Edu-sig] Learn to Program in Ten Years

An open question to me in making a commitment toward learning PyGTK was
its status with OpenGL and PyOpenGL. Turns out the situation looks
quite good - in that the developer of gtkglext which is the most active,
I think, gtk Opengl extension is also himself the developer of its
Python binding PyGtkGLExt. I have it installed and working and it looks
quite nice.



I just took a look at the PyGTK 2.0 Tutorial

Very encouraging to see that much documentation spelled out in a usable

However, I'm still curious: do you see PyGTK as a better way to spend your
time than with wxPython? Wx has OpenGL bindings as well, has for quite some
time. Also, wxPython has that very useful front end: when you download it,
you get a huge pile of working code in the form of demos, all wrapped up in
a well-organized wx GUI interface. I find that extremely cool.

However, since VPython is its own thing, I've never been able to wrap my
head around a way to treat VPython from within wx the same way I might treat
OpenGL (not that I've done the latter either -- but the demo is persuasive).

If wx had some way to establish a VPython window within its own unified
event loop, that might lead to a next generation of Pygeo, no?
