Documentation for wx.lib.agw.GenericMessageDialog(..

Hi all,

Same question different day…

In my other languages… I could make up a dialog box in less than a minute…

Now I am in wxpython…

After 3 hours of searching the internet I couldn’t find a simple example of how
to pop up a dialog box. This drives me crazy… sorry for passing on my

This is Andreas Generic Message Dialog…

It also appears in…


However, there is no example…

When I try this…

from wx.lib.agw import GenericMessageDialog

it doesn’t work…

I would be really happy to write an example and submit it as documentation if
that was actually allowed here.



Hi David,

Hi all,

Same question different day.....

In my other languages... I could make up a dialog box in less than a

You can do the same in wxPython, in even less time if you type fast enough :smiley: :

1) Oversimple way (5 seconds):

wx.MessageBox("Message Text", "Title")

2) Simple way (30 seconds):

dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Message Text", "Title",
                               wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)

This is Andreas Generic Message Dialog...

It also appears in....

wxPython API Documentation — wxPython Phoenix 4.2.2 documentation


wxPython API Documentation — wxPython Phoenix 4.2.2 documentation

However, there is no example.....

When I try this....

from wx.lib.agw import GenericMessageDialog

it doesn't work.....

"It doesn't work" is not a Python exception. Please describe what the
problem is, if you get any traceback, wxPython version, Python
version, OS platform.

I would be really happy to write an example and submit it as documentation
that was actually allowed here.

It is allowed: as every widget in wx.lib (agw included) is pure Python
code, wx.lib contains Python docstrings which are independent from
wxWidgets. So, if you wish to submit a documentation improvement,
please do so in the wxTrac here:

by specifying keywords like "wx.lib" or "agw" (if it is related to
agw), so that the patch doesn't get lost and I (or Robin or Cody or
Kevin etc...) can apply it.

You know, if there was a big big office and we, as wxPython users,
were all working together in the same office, I would put a 200-inches
super big led-screen at the entrance showing the words:

==> "USE THE DEMO!" <==

If you play with the wxPython demo, you will find an example of how to
use GenericMessageDialog in AGW. When dealing with not-too-complex
tasks, I always find that 9 out of 10 times what I am looking for is
in the wxPython demo.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."


On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 7:18 AM, David Lyon wrote: