Hi David,
Hi all,
Same question different day.....
In my other languages... I could make up a dialog box in less than a
You can do the same in wxPython, in even less time if you type fast enough
1) Oversimple way (5 seconds):
wx.MessageBox("Message Text", "Title")
2) Simple way (30 seconds):
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Message Text", "Title",
This is Andreas Generic Message Dialog...
It also appears in....
wxPython API Documentation — wxPython Phoenix 4.2.2 documentation
wxPython API Documentation — wxPython Phoenix 4.2.2 documentation
However, there is no example.....
When I try this....
from wx.lib.agw import GenericMessageDialog
it doesn't work.....
"It doesn't work" is not a Python exception. Please describe what the
problem is, if you get any traceback, wxPython version, Python
version, OS platform.
I would be really happy to write an example and submit it as documentation
that was actually allowed here.
It is allowed: as every widget in wx.lib (agw included) is pure Python
code, wx.lib contains Python docstrings which are independent from
wxWidgets. So, if you wish to submit a documentation improvement,
please do so in the wxTrac here:
by specifying keywords like "wx.lib" or "agw" (if it is related to
agw), so that the patch doesn't get lost and I (or Robin or Cody or
Kevin etc...) can apply it.
You know, if there was a big big office and we, as wxPython users,
were all working together in the same office, I would put a 200-inches
super big led-screen at the entrance showing the words:
==> "USE THE DEMO!" <==
If you play with the wxPython demo, you will find an example of how to
use GenericMessageDialog in AGW. When dealing with not-too-complex
tasks, I always find that 9 out of 10 times what I am looking for is
in the wxPython demo.
"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."
On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 7:18 AM, David Lyon wrote: