Hello to all,
I posted some time ago to the ctypes mailing list that I am working on
implementing a fingerprint capture library on python, based on the
LScanEssentials toolkit from Crossmatch Technologies.
Basically I want to display what the fingerprint device is ‘seeing’ in some kind of windows window.
I already ported the whole headers to ctypes python via the conversion tools h2xml and xml2py.
is working great, for example the taking of the image generates
correctly the bitmap I expect, the initialization, device selection,
etc… is working great.
However I am not getting the realtime ‘capturing image’.
The API says you should create a window, then pass it’s handle and ‘display zone’ to the SDK so he can draw to it.
However I do not know how to do that.
created some wxpython window and used GetHandle to pass it. The SDK
won’t prompt for errors or whatever, but nothing shows at all on screen.
dont know if there is some kind of event handling or whatever to have
it preview the image. I also read about the opencv HighGUI component to
implement a live preview on this ‘more generic’ window.
Do someone has an idea of what could be wrong on my code or reasoning ?
FYI here is the acquiring workflow from the SDK:
Workflow to Acquire Images
The following shows a typical sequence of steps to perform to acquire images.
- Call LSCAN_Main_GetDeviceCount() to obtain number of detected devices.
- Call LSCAN_Main_GetDeviceInfo() to determine device index to use.
- Call LSCAN_Main_Initialize() to initialize device and get device handle for image acquisition.
- Call appropriate callback registration functions to retrieve required notifications.
- Call LSCAN_Visualization_SetWindow() to specify visualization area.
- Call LSCAN_Visualization_SetMode() to define visualization behavior.
- Call LSCAN_Capture_SetMode() to select correct acquisition type.
- Call LSCAN_Capture_Start() to start image acquisition.
- Result image acquisition is triggered automatically (Auto Capture) and/or manually by LSCAN_Capture_TakeResultImage()
- Result image is passed as ImageData to callback LSCAN_CallbackResultImage().
- Call LSCAN_Main_Release() when finished using the device.
For subsequent acquisitions please note the following:
If the device is still initialized then preconditional steps 1 to 4 must not be called again
Steps 5 and 6 are optional (e.g. to change visualization behavior)
Step 7 is only required when modifying acquisition image type
And about the SetWindow stuff I am doing this on my code:
def createDisplay(self, obj=None):
if not obj:
# we must create some basic standard window
print 'createdisplay got an object passed in'
# we have been passed a window, we must try to see if we get a HWND handle of it
self.display_handle = obj.GetHandle()
print 'display handle is '+str(self.display_handle)
def startVisualization(self, winobj=None):
print 'startvisualization'
if not self.display_handle:
draw_area = lse.RECT()
draw_area.left = 10
draw_area.top = 10
draw_area.right = 510
draw_area.bottom = 510
res_visu = LSCAN_Visualization_SetWindow(self.device_handle, lse.HWND(self.display_handle), draw_area)
print 'lscanvisualizationsetwindow:'+str(res_visu)
res_mode = LSCAN_Visualization_SetMode(self.device_handle, lse.LSCAN_VIS_ALWAYS, lse.LSCAN_OPTION_VIS_FULL_IMAGE)
print 'lscanvisualizationsetmode:'+str(res_mode)
res_capmode = LSCAN_Capture_SetMode( self.device_handle,
None, None, None, None)
print ‘LSCAN_Capture_SetMode:’+str(res_capmode)
ov = lse.HANDLE()
addov = LSCAN_Visualization_AddOverlayText(self.device_handle,
“blabla”, 10, 10, lse.COLORREF( 255 ), “Arial”, 10, False, ov)
print ‘addoverlay:’+str(addov)
print ‘ov:’+str(ov.value)
showov = LSCAN_Visualization_ShowOverlay(self.device_handle, ov, True)
print ‘showov:’+str(showov)
bgcolor = LSCAN_Visualization_SetBackgroundColor(self.device_handle, lse.COLORREF(123123))
# register a callback function
preview_context = c_void_p()
preview_callback = LSCAN_CallbackPreviewImage(self.callbackPreviewImage)
regcbpi = LSCAN_Capture_RegisterCallbackPreviewImage( self.device_handle, preview_callback, preview_context)
print 'regcbpi:'+str(regcbpi)
result_callback = LSCAN_CallbackResultImage(self.callbackResultImage)
regcbri = LSCAN_Capture_RegisterCallbackResultImage(self.device_handle, result_callback, preview_context)
print 'regcbri:'+str(regcbri)
res_startcap = LSCAN_Capture_Start(self.device_handle, 1)
print 'startcap:'+str(res_startcap)
res_tpi = LSCAN_Capture_TakeResultImage(self.device_handle)
print 'res_tpi:'+str(res_tpi)
here with winobj being a frame of wxpython:
import App1
app = App1.BoaApp(0)
as defined here:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wx
import Frame2
modules ={‘Frame2’: [1, ‘Main frame of Application’, ‘none://Frame2.py’]}
class BoaApp(wx.App):
def OnInit(self):
self.main = Frame2.create(None)
return True
def main():
application = BoaApp(0)
if name == ‘main’:
If someone has any thought I would really appreciate !
Thank you for your reading !
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