hello, sometimes when I drag the separator of two column labels to resize the column I get the column labels messed up as in the attached figure. This beaviour doesn’t happen always (py3.5, wx404a1 snapshot, win10). These are my findings and my workaround (I don’t have any EVT_HEADERRESIZ associated event handler in my original code):
looks like EVT_HEADER_END_RESIZE and EVT_HEADER_RESIZING are not propagated from HeaderCtrl to DataViewCtrl (at least they don’t appear in widgetInspector)
If I bind an empty event handler to EVT_HEADER_RESIZING event type for HeaderCtrl I loose live update on resizing column labels but don’t get the column labels messed up while/after resizing (see code below)
is anybody having the same problem?
in DataViewCtrl subclass init
self.header = [x for x in self.GetChildren() if x.class.name==‘Control’][0]
def OnHeaderResizing(self,evt):