It sounds like you are using the ClassDesigner to create the form/window. To be honest I have not used the ClassDesigner forever. If I’m right, then I really can’t help much because I do not recall how to debug the forms built using ClassDesigner.
I just hand code the forms. I have found that I have much more flexibility and I am able to use many more of the special features of wxPython.
Small example:
bs6 = dBorderSizer(self, “horizontal”, Caption=" DNA ", FontBold = True)
bs6.Box.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(128, 0, 0))
bs6.append(dLabel(self, Caption = “DNA Owed”,ForeColor = “maroon”, FontBold = True),halign=‘right’)
bs6.append(dTextBox(self, Width = 150, DataSource = “public.esenroll”, DataField = “dna_owed”)) #text field
If I recall the way ClassDesigner worked - it creates a tmp file of the form (the one you appear to be unable to debug). I would suggest that you find than tmp file and make a copy. I believe then you can debug the tmp file.
I encourage you to try creating the forms by hand. Most simple forms I can create in minutes, very complex ones takes only an hour. Once I realized how to use the “Sizers” the forms I was creating for my apps were just perfect. You can mix wx controls with Dabo ones without any concerns, working with colors, grids. I even got to the point where I can create my own controls for those special features that are not available with Dabo or wxPython.
That said, there is one thing I use the ClassDesigner for - I use the designer to create my data models. Works well for that!
Dabo 3 ClassDesigner works (but not well). Since I had little need of the designer I never really tried to get it working under python 3.x.
You might also try contacting the Dabo list and see you can get Ed to reply.
If I can help let me know.