click and double-click dance?

Thanks to Josiah Carlson! This version, based on his suggestion, works. (To make sense of it, you have to know that the owner of this STC also owns a list of data about the lengths and beginning offsets of sentences, as well as a good deal else about them.)

Charles Hartman
P.S. I'll be out of touch till June.

<in the __init__ for my subclass of STC:>
                 self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
                 self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMousePrelimDown)
                 self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnDoubleClick)

<members of the subclass:>
         def OnMousePrelimDown(self, event):
                 self.handled = 0
                 wx.CallAfter(self.OnMouseDown, event.GetPosition())

         def OnMouseDown(self, mouseclickpos):
                 if self.handled:
                 mom = self.GetParent()
                 clickpos = self.PositionFromPoint(mouseclickpos)
                 for inx in range(len(mom.s)):
                         if mom.s[inx].offset > clickpos: break
                 if mom.s[inx].offset > clickpos: inx -= 1
                 sentend = mom.s[inx].offset + mom.s[inx].length - 1
                 mom.currSent = inx
                 self.SetSelection(mom.s[inx].offset, sentend)
                 # recreate state of rand gen for BuildTemplate
                 temprand = random.getstate()
                 sentenceTemplate = mom.grammar.BuildTemplate()

         def OnDoubleClick(self, event):
                 self.handled = 0 # coordination with single-click
                 # select a single word (including internal punct, excluding terminal)
                 startword = endword = self.PositionFromPoint(event.GetPosition())
                 while startword > 0 and not chr(self.GetCharAt(startword)).isspace():
                         startword -= 1
                 startword += 1
                 if not chr(self.GetCharAt(startword)).isalnum():
                         startword += 1
                 while endword < self.GetTextLength() and not chr(self.GetCharAt(endword)).isspace():
                         endword += 1
                 # flaw: excludes terminal apostrophe from plural possessives
                 if not chr(self.GetCharAt(endword - 1)).isalnum():
                         endword -= 1
                 self.SetSelection(startword, endword)
         # <this is where further code is called that will replace the word>