Can't build RPM for wxPython (openSUSE 11.1)


Uwe Grauer wrote:

Bad news:
I just tested your code in my virtualbox test-vm running opensuse 11.1
with python-wxGTK from packman - and it segfaults.

After trying with Windows that doesn't surprise me any more: this seems to be a Python 2.6 problem. I had read the posts in the Dabo list regarding wxPython and Python 2.6, but after seeing the wxPython installer package for that version I thought it should work. Rather silly.




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Sibylle Koczian wrote:


Uwe Grauer wrote:

Bad news:
I just tested your code in my virtualbox test-vm running opensuse 11.1
with python-wxGTK from packman - and it segfaults.

After trying with Windows that doesn't surprise me any more: this seems to be a Python 2.6 problem. I had read the posts in the Dabo list regarding wxPython and Python 2.6, but after seeing the wxPython installer package for that version I thought it should work. Rather silly.



I think there were some posts about this being an issue right after the 2.6 build of wxPython was released. IIRC, Robin said that it would be fixed in the next release and to just use Python 2.5 for now. It should be noted that there are significant differences between Python 2.5, 2.6 and 3.0. I would assume that there will be issues for the first 6 - 12 months while the 3rd party maintainers get their code compatible with these new releases. Please be patient or join in on the coding fun and submit patches.


Mike Driscoll

Python Extension Building Network: