I just saw that whenever a wx.CheckListBox is created with choises (not []), or when using the “.Set” function for wx.CheckListBox - all the icons for wx.ITEM_RADIO in menus disappear (the black circle saying which item is selected). It only affect menus that havn’t been created yet.
Even when selecting a new item in the menu the black circle doesn’t reappear.
Don’t know how the wx.CheckListBox is related to wx.Menu …
If anyone can help fixing this please let me know.
Tested under win32.
The following is a sample app for reproducing the problem.
import wx
import sys
“”" A Class for reproducing a bug when using a non-empty wx.CheckListBox
- All Radio check items are damaged, the icon for the selected item disappears.
Tested under win32 (Windows XP)"""
class TestCheckListBox(wx.Panel):
def init(self, parent):
wx.Panel.init(self, parent, -1)
colSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
# The list Box
self.listbox1 = wx.CheckListBox
( self, -1, choices=[], style=wx.LB_HSCROLL )
colSizer.Add(self.listbox1, 0)
This is the line that causes the problems,
# Either that, or setting the choices parameter in the wx.CheckListBox not to [].
# Both cause the same problem
# Comment this line and see how everything works well
self.listbox1.Set( ["test1", "test2"] )
# A Simple right click menu for reproducing the disappearance of Radio-tool item bitmaps (the balck circle)
# The bug also affects radio tools in Application menu.
# It seems like all the menues that have been created after using self.listbox1.Set got damaged
txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Right Click Here!")
colSizer.Add(txt, 0)
txt.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.showMenu)
self.chosen = 0
self.popupmenu = False
def makePopupMenu(self):
self.popupmenu = wx.Menu()
(666, “Option1”, “Option1”, wx.ITEM_RADIO)
self.popupmenu.Append(667, “Option2”, “Option2”, wx.ITEM_RADIO)
self.popupmenu.Append(668, “Option3”, “Option3”, wx.ITEM_RADIO)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onChangeOption, id = 666, id2 = 668)
def showMenu(self, event):
if not self.popupmenu:
self.popupmenu.Check(self.chosen + 666, True)
self.PopupMenuXY(self.popupmenu, -1, -1)
def onChangeOption(self, event):
self.chosen = event.GetId() - 666
print "Chosen: ", self.chosen
class TestFrame(wx.Frame):
def init(self, parent, id, title, size, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ):
wx.Frame.init(self, parent, id, title, size=size, style=style)
self.win = TestCheckListBox(self)
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
f = TestFrame(None, -1, “CheckListBox Bug Test”,wx.Size(500,300))
if name == ‘main’: