Blit and alpha channel

Hi All,

I'm working on a rendering engine. It creates a small image from an XML file then draws it on a wx.DC. The problem is speed. I decided to create a cache of the rendered images. I would like to store them in wx.Bitmap instances. First I render the XML onto a wx.MemoryDC, then I blit the MemoryDC onto the target DC. Next time I'll only take the saved bitmap from the cache and blit it on the target DC. Some code:

def Render(self,dc,parsed_xml,clientrect,draw=True):
     if self.incache(parsed_xml):
        return self.drawfromcache(box,dc,clientrect,draw)
       # Create a MemoryDC
        mdc = wx.MemoryDC()
        bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(clientrect[2],clientrect[3],32)
        mdc.SelectObject(bmp) # Render the XML onto the memorydc
            self.dc = mdc
            res = self.RenderBox(parsed_xml,clientrect,draw)
        # Save it into the cache
        # Draw it on the real dc dc.BeginDrawing()
            mdc.EndDrawing() mdc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
        return res

I created the bitmap in 32bit mode. I'm not sure if wx.EmptyBitmap will create a transparent bitmap or not. However, when I use Blit, it draws black pixels where it should be transparent. I tried to set the useMake parameter to True, but apparently this has no effect. I'm also not sure how to use masks in 32 bit mode. I suspect the mask and the alpha channel is not the same. Thanks,
