We have a handful of pure-Python classes, not derived from any wxWidgets class, that emulate the API of things like Menu or MenuItem (as a simple example). When constructing these objects, they are currently assigned an id using wx.NewId(), which is then used to bind them to various events. We can’t use wx.ID_ANY (-1) for these, since that’s simply a flag to wxWidgets to generate a real id. Is there some sanctioned means for generating a unique id that is not deprecated?
How will all the 100+ calls to NewId in wxPython itself, like the one below, be fixed?
We have a handful of pure-Python classes, not derived from any wxWidgets class, that emulate the API of things like Menu or MenuItem (as a simple example). When constructing these objects, they are currently assigned an id using wx.NewId(), which is then used to bind them to various events. We can’t use wx.ID_ANY (-1) for these, since that’s simply a flag to wxWidgets to generate a real id. Is there some sanctioned means for generating a unique id that is not deprecated?
How will all the 100+ calls to NewId in wxPython itself, like the one below, be fixed?
With the advent of wx.NewIdRef() in Phoenix, personally I trawled through my code and adjusted it accordingly.
However, I discovered of course, that I’d shot myself in the foot if I was testing on a version of wxpython prior to 4.0.2
To allow for this, I simply put the following at the top of my code to allow for it.
def ref_id():
return wx.NewId()
try: #Work around for wxpython prior to 4.0.2 where wx.NewIdRef first appeared
TestId = wx.NewIdRef()
wx.NewIdRef = ref_id
i.e. no NewIdRef use NewId instead
On Monday, June 18, 2018 at 8:17:23 PM UTC+2, efahl wrote:
We have a handful of pure-Python classes, not derived from any wxWidgets class, that emulate the API of things like Menu or MenuItem (as a simple example). When constructing these objects, they are currently assigned an id using wx.NewId(), which is then used to bind them to various events. We can’t use wx.ID_ANY (-1) for these, since that’s simply a flag to wxWidgets to generate a real id. Is there some sanctioned means for generating a unique id that is not deprecated?
How will all the 100+ calls to NewId in wxPython itself, like the one below, be fixed?