This is my first time when I write in here, so I hope this works...
I have a question about using background in wxWindow-object. When I use
EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND and wxClientDC to paint a background image into a
window, wxStaticText-widget (and probably other widgets too) in that window
shows its ugly, one coloured background. So I ask if it is possible to
remove background colour (or to make it transparent) from a text-widget?
Heikki Salo wrote:
So I ask if it is possible to
remove background colour (or to make it transparent) from a text-widget?
Probably not. wxWindows uses the system widgets, which get their
collering from system settings and/or themes. I don't think that can be
over-ridden, and in general, it isnot good GUI design to do so. That's
exactly why wxWindows uses native widgets: so they will look like native
If you want a fairly simple widget, you can write your own that looks
just like what you want.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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