Ann: PodderLive!-2.0.0

PodderLive! is designed as a very simple wxPython podcasting production
application. The target audience is lecturers and students that would
like to make audio recordings of their lectures available online on the
Chisimba based eLearning system. It makes extensive use of the
python-gstreamer bindings to do the recording, and the wxPython built in
MediaCtrl for playback of mp3 files.

Publishing is done via an XML-RPC call to the Chisimba API.

I have made a release of the initial Beta version of the PodderLive!
podcasting application. It can be found at in both tar.gz
and .zip archives for your convenience.

I have also added a screenshot to the wiki on our trac if you are

Please do download and try it out. The graphics will change slightly, as
my attempt at design is a little poor, but other than that the
functionality should all be there. If there is outstanding
functionality, or you would like to submit a feature request, please do
feel free to do so in the trac ticket system.




Chisimba PHP5 Framework - |


Paul Scott wrote:

I have made a release of the initial Beta version of the PodderLive!
podcasting application. It can be found at in both tar.gz
and .zip archives for your convenience.

I have also added a screenshot to the wiki on our trac if you are

Looking at the screen shot, I'd suggest splitting the top three fields of the Publish dialog into a Server Info dialog, perhaps accessible from the Publish dialog. Server Info is set once and then pretty much ignored, the other fields change with every podcast. Make the Description field large enough to hold a good-sized paragraph of text. And have a "Test Connection" button that causes the Publish OK button to be grayed out until a successful connection is following *any* change to the Server Info. Here's a mockup:



Filename: ______________
    Title: ______________
  Comment: ______________
[ServerInfo] [ Help ]
[ Cancel ] [ OK ] <-- this is gray until successful connection

      URL: ______________
   Userid: ______________
Password: ______________
[ TestConn ] [ Help ]
[ Cancel ] [ OK ] <-- Cancel abandons changes, OK keeps changes
                                but grays the other OK (useful for pre-
                                setting info before account is set up)

Hi, you were looking at the screenshot from the previous version, but
thanks for the feedback. I have taken it all into account and will make
your suggested changes ASAP.




On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 01:27 -0500, Samwyse wrote:

Looking at the screen shot, I'd suggest splitting the top three fields
of the Publish dialog into a Server Info dialog, perhaps accessible from
the Publish dialog. Server Info is set once and then pretty much
ignored, the other fields change with every podcast. Make the
Description field large enough to hold a good-sized paragraph of text.
And have a "Test Connection" button that causes the Publish OK button to
be grayed out until a successful connection is following *any* change to
the Server Info. Here's a mockup: