Yes, almost exactly the same way he uses the Tkinter example.
wx.Window.GetHandle() will return the HWND aggdraw wants.
On 10/23/05, Chris Barker <> wrote:
Hi all,
This from the Image-SIG. He's given a Tk example, could this be done
efficiently with wxPython? Agg is a really nice rendering library.-Chris
From: Fredrik Lundh <>
> the "aggdraw" module is a prerelease of a new drawing library for PIL,
> based on Maxim Shemanarev's antigrain (AGG) graphics library. This
> module implements a WCK-style drawing interface (see below), and
> provides anti-aliasing and alpha compositing.A very early 1.2 alpha is now available.
You can now create "drawable Windows DIB surfaces", and blit them
to screen under any Windows-based toolkit that lets you access the
HWND for a toolkit window.draw = aggdraw.Dib("RGB", (width, height))
... draw as usual ...
draw.expose(hwnd) # blit to screenHere's a Tkinter example:
size = width, height
draw = aggdraw.Dib("RGB", size)
... draw as usual ...# display the image
frame = Frame(width=size[0], height=size[1], bg="")
frame.bind("<Expose>", lambda e: draw.expose(e.widget.winfo_id()))
frame.pack()A source kit can be found here:
To display aggdraw images under Tkinter on other platforms, you can use
PIL's ImageTk.PhotoImage object, or the WCK toolkit. See
for an example on how to use the latter.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
OceanographerNOAA/OR&R/HAZMAT (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main
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