I'm trying to use xrced to set up a wx.StaticBox and wx.StaticBoxSizer.
Doing this in code, I would set it up this way (using what I have read and examples):
mybox = wx.StaticBox(self.panel, -1, "My Label")
boxsizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(box, wx.VERTICAL)
This works fine, and I can then modify the wx.StaticBox label in code, i.e.: mybox.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD))
Trying to do this with xrced doesn't appear to work. For one thing, there doesn't seem to be a way to create a wx.StaticBox that can be added to a wx.StaticBoxSizer. Or vice versa. In either case, they both become children of the immediate parent, and xrced's test panel will show TWO static boxes. The one produced by the wx.StaticBox has a label, and a box, but I cannot put anything inside the box. I can, however, make modifications to the label using the xrced style panel. The one produced by the wx.StaticBoxSizer also has a label and a box, and I can put other windows inside this box, but I cannot modify the label.
To further confuse the issue (for me, at least), it actually seems that the wx.StaticBox is not really needed at all using xrced, because creating just a wx.StaticBoxSizer (which includes a label field? ... but not when coding directly?) works just fine. Except that the label is fixed, unmodifiable. Creating just a wx.StaticBox with no wx.StaticBoxSizer also displays appropriately, and I can modify the label, but I can't imagine what it would be used for since apparently nothing can be put in the box.
What am I missing here? I need to be able to accentuate the label (bold, larger font) in a couple of wxStaticBox windows in my program, and I'd like to continue with xrced.
Thanks for any insight!