XP Manifest Problem

Hi Everyone,

I am having trouble getting a manifest to work with my wxPython
application. This is almost straight from the sample application so I
am really baffled. The sample version works fine for me with nice
looking buttons etc.

Setup.py is below. Can anyone spot the problem?

Davy Mitchell

Mood News
- BBC News Headlines Auto-Classified as Good, Bad or Neutral.

# setup.py
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, os, sys

manifest_template = '''
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<description>%(prog)s Program</description>


zipfile = r"lib\shardlib"

options = {"py2exe": {"compressed": 1,
                      "optimize": 2}}


import os

class InnoScript:
    def __init__(self,
                 windows_exe_files = [],
                 lib_files = [],
                 version = "1.0"):
        self.lib_dir = lib_dir
        self.dist_dir = dist_dir
        if not self.dist_dir[-1] in "\\/":
            self.dist_dir += "\\"
        self.name = name
        self.version = version
        self.windows_exe_files = [self.chop(p) for p in windows_exe_files]
        self.lib_files = [self.chop(p) for p in lib_files]

    def chop(self, pathname):
        assert pathname.startswith(self.dist_dir)
        return pathname[len(self.dist_dir):]

    def create(self, pathname="dist\\LateDecember.iss"):
        self.pathname = pathname
        ofi = self.file = open(pathname, "w")
        print >> ofi, "; WARNING: This script has been created by
py2exe. Changes to this script"
        print >> ofi, "; will be overwritten the next time py2exe is run!"
        print >> ofi, r"[Setup]"
        print >> ofi, r"AppName=%s" % self.name
        print >> ofi, r"AppVerName=%s %s" % (self.name, self.version)
        print >> ofi, r"DefaultDirName={pf}\%s" % self.name
        print >> ofi, r"DefaultGroupName=%s" % self.name
        print >> ofi, r"OutputBaseFilename=%s" % self.name
        print >> ofi

        print >> ofi, r"[Files]"
        for path in self.windows_exe_files + self.lib_files:
            print >> ofi, r'Source: "%s"; DestDir: "{app}\%s"; Flags:
ignoreversion' % (path, os.path.dirname(path))
        print >> ofi

        print >> ofi, r"[Icons]"
        for path in self.windows_exe_files:
            print >> ofi, r'Name: "{group}\%s"; Filename: "{app}\%s"' % \
                  (self.name, path)
        print >> ofi, 'Name: "{group}\Uninstall %s"; Filename:
"{uninstallexe}"' % self.name

    def compile(self):
            import ctypes
        except ImportError:
                import win32api
            except ImportError:
                import os
                print "Ok, using win32api."
                win32api.ShellExecute(0, "compile",
            print "Cool, you have ctypes installed."
            res = ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteA(0, "compile",
            if res < 32:
                raise RuntimeError, "ShellExecute failed, error %d" % res


from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe

class build_installer(py2exe):
    # This class first builds the exe file(s), then creates a Windows installer.
    # You need InnoSetup for it.
    def run(self):
        # First, let py2exe do it's work.

        lib_dir = self.lib_dir
        dist_dir = self.dist_dir

        # create the Installer, using the files py2exe has created.
        script = InnoScript("LateDecemberBackup",
        print "*** creating the inno setup script***"
        print "*** compiling the inno setup script***"
        # Note: By default the final setup.exe will be in an Output


# find pythoncard resources, to add as 'data_files'
for filename in os.listdir('.'):
    if filename.find('.rsrc.')>-1:


#Runtime files

# includes for py2exe
for comp in ['button','image','staticbox','list',
    includes += ['PythonCard.components.'+comp]
print 'includes',includes

opts = { 'py2exe': { 'includes':includes, 'excludes':['Image'] } }
print 'opts',opts
# end of py2exe stuff

      author = 'Davy Mitchell',
      other_resources = [(RT_MANIFEST, 1, manifest_template %
      cmdclass = {"py2exe": build_installer},
      zipfile = zipfile,

Davy Mitchell wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am having trouble getting a manifest to work with my wxPython
application. This is almost straight from the sample application so I
am really baffled. The sample version works fine for me with nice
looking buttons etc.

Setup.py is below. Can anyone spot the problem?

I didn't know py2exe could embed arbitrary resources, that's cool.

      author = 'Davy Mitchell',
      other_resources = [(RT_MANIFEST, 1, manifest_template %
      cmdclass = {"py2exe": build_installer},
      zipfile = zipfile,

Based on other examples of doing this I found with google, it looks like the other_resources value needs to be part of the windows parameter, like this:

  windows=[{"script" : "LateDecemberBackup.py",
                   "other_resources" : [(RT_MANIFEST, 1, manifest_template % dict(prog="LateDecemberBackup"))],


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Hi Robin,

Finally got a moment to try this out and it now works perfectly -
thanks very much!



Davy Mitchell

Mood News
- BBC News Headlines Auto-Classified as Good, Bad or Neutral.