I am trying to find the Values for the Styles listed under
wxStaticText in the wx.chm file and can't seem to find the right
search terms.
Specifically I want to create a StaticText with a fixed size,
centered, and no autosize.
You can teach me to fish or you can just give me the answer.
I can't get to the SourceForge hosted sites from work, but, I have
"Reaped" some of the material to get past the sites being blocked at
I have also looked in the wxPython\docs\api area and still can't seem
to use the roght phrase or term to find the answer...
When I use the given Constant, wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE -or- wxALIGN_CENTRE
I get a global not not defined error.
style = wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE -or- style = wxALIGN_CENTRE
if I use style=3 I get the No resize... But, haven't found the
combination for centering in the oversize box.
My actual code line:
TPS_Top_Line=wxStaticText(panel, label="TPS Top Line", size=(640,50),
TPS_Top_Line.SetFont(wx.Font(18, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD, 0,
TPS_Top_Line.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(104, 100, 255))
My Frame is 640 by 480 in size... Panel fills Frame by default.