wxStaticBitmap as Delphi TImage?

durumdara@gmail.com wrote:

Dear Christopher!

Your code is very interesting, but not working good in my machine. Possible it is windows s*ing :-(....
I installed the new version of the wxPython 2.4 unicode today, but the problem remaining.

See this image:

Are you see that the growing is not working good?

And this?

The reducing isn't working too.

After I change the focus, and set the focus to this window again, the onpaint is working good. Maximizing, minimizing is working good.
But with the continously resizing (click to the right-bottom corner, and drag) isn't working now.

Only the full repaint...

When a window is resized a common optimization is to only paint those areas of the window that are newly exposed by the resize, and clip the remaining portions. When the content of the whole window needs to change in response to the resize then you need to ensure that the whole window is repainted. You can do this with a call to Refresh.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!