
I would like to create a wxPython based spread sheet program. I have
googled and checked the wiki and am suprised to find so little. Does
anyone have or know of one that has at least the barebones already in
place? Also, is anyone aware of a python module for opening excel
files (.xls)? Since openoffice can do it, I assume it isn't
proporietary to microsoft.



Sorry, I meant to have a more helpful subject like "wxPython
spreadsheet program"


On 12/22/05, Ryan Krauss <ryanlists@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to create a wxPython based spread sheet program. I have
googled and checked the wiki and am suprised to find so little. Does
anyone have or know of one that has at least the barebones already in
place? Also, is anyone aware of a python module for opening excel
files (.xls)? Since openoffice can do it, I assume it isn't
proporietary to microsoft.



Ryan Krauss wrote:

I would like to create a wxPython based spread sheet program. I have
googled and checked the wiki and am suprised to find so little. Does
anyone have or know of one that has at least the barebones already in
place? Also, is anyone aware of a python module for opening excel
files (.xls)? Since openoffice can do it, I assume it isn't
proporietary to microsoft.

and then, shortly after:

Sorry, I meant to have a more helpful subject like "wxPython
spreadsheet program"

We can fix that :wink:



Steve Holden +44 150 684 7255 +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC www.holdenweb.com
PyCon TX 2006 www.python.org/pycon/

pyExcelerator seems pretty cool and could do much of the backend work.
Is there an example of using it to read data from an existing Excel
file? For example, if someone were to give me an existing Excel file
and I wanted to maipulate the data in python and spit back out an
Excel file, what would I need to do? Can you point me in the right

Are there any other fairly complete front end examples (i.e. a gui
using wxGrid)? The examples that come with wxPython are a little
vague to me.

Thanks again,



On 12/22/05, Steve Holden <steve@holdenweb.com> wrote:

Ryan Krauss wrote:
> I would like to create a wxPython based spread sheet program. I have
> googled and checked the wiki and am suprised to find so little. Does
> anyone have or know of one that has at least the barebones already in
> place? Also, is anyone aware of a python module for opening excel
> files (.xls)? Since openoffice can do it, I assume it isn't
> proporietary to microsoft.

and then, shortly after:
> Sorry, I meant to have a more helpful subject like "wxPython
> spreadsheet program"
We can fix that :wink:

Steve Holden +44 150 684 7255 +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC www.holdenweb.com
PyCon TX 2006 www.python.org/pycon/

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Ryan Krauss wrote:

I would like to create a wxPython based spread sheet program. I have
googled and checked the wiki and am suprised to find so little. Does
anyone have or know of one that has at least the barebones already in
place? Also, is anyone aware of a python module for opening excel

and if you use FreeBSD, you can install it from ports collection:



files (.xls)? Since openoffice can do it, I assume it isn't
proporietary to microsoft.



Try pyxlwriter:


it writes an OLE stream which = fast


Ryan Krauss wrote:

...Also, is anyone aware of a python module for opening excel

Ryan Krauss wrote:

pyExcelerator seems pretty cool and could do much of the backend work.
Is there an example of using it to read data from an existing Excel
file? For example, if someone were to give me an existing Excel file
and I wanted to maipulate the data in python and spit back out an
Excel file, what would I need to do? Can you point me in the right

Are there any other fairly complete front end examples (i.e. a gui
using wxGrid)? The examples that come with wxPython are a little
vague to me.

There was a module contributed to the lib a few years ago without any code for the demo (read that as I don't know if it still works :wink: ) that you may want to look at. It is wx.lib.sheet.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!