[wxPython] Zooming in a drawing application


I am using wxMM_METRIC mapping mode in a wxScrolledWindow with SetScrollbars( 20, 20, 87, 59 ) i.e. equivalent to 11.5 x 17 inches sheet size. (I do not now what the implications of this are in terms of printing yet).

Anyway, I want to be able to zoom and scale my drawing up to accommodate large sizes in meters (like 1mm on screen == 100 on site).

I tried SetUserScale but the origin becomes uncoordinated. I tried, SetDeviceOrigin but can't seem to understand how it works... so far.

Does somebody know how to do this... please?



Kene Meniru

Kene Meniru wrote:

Anyway, I want to be able to zoom and scale my drawing up to accommodate
large sizes in meters (like 1mm on screen == 100 on site).

It sounds like you don't just need zooming, but rather a way to have the
user deal with "real" coordinates, and then have the screen display at
whatever scal you want, and the print at a defined scale. I have written
a bunch of code that solves the first of these issues, but have yet to
solve the printing one, but I don't imagine it will be that hard once I
figure out printing in general.

Anyway, Ive enclosed a zip file of my "float canvas" code. It provides a
double buffered widget that lets you draw stuff in arbitrary floating
point coordinates, and a gui to zoom in and out and scroll around. It
required NumPy, as a use that to speed up the scaling. It has a little
demo app with it. (By the way it can also do flat-earth projections for

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions, and if you can
make use of it or any of the ideas in it.


FloatCanvas.zip (13.6 KB)


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
NOAA/OR&R/HAZMAT (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception


Thanks a million Chris. I do not need printing as this is a prototype. So it seems like all I need will be available in some way in your attachment. Can't wait to get to it.

Will keep you posted as requested. Take care



Kene Meniru


Anyone know what this error's about? I get it when trying to load in an image from a file, like this:

bitmap = wxBitmap('mpm-banner.jpg', wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG)

The wxPython demo works just fine for me though...

If you aren't allready doing so, you may need to add a call to
wxInitAllImageHandlers before you try to load the bitmap.




Anyone know what this error's about? I get it when trying to load in an
image from a file, like this:

bitmap = wxBitmap('mpm-banner.jpg', wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG)

The wxPython demo works just fine for me though...

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