Now that mail is flowing again I figured I'd send a note and let everybody
know what happened, as far as I can tell anyway.
Our server is hosted by SourceGear (for free, thanks!) and we also use their
nameservers for our primary and secondary DNS. Yesterday morning at around
7am PST one of the network providers upstream from their nameservers started
having troubles. Packets headed for the nameservers were looping between
two routers and never getting anywhere. The subnet that our server is on
was still accessible, but there was effectivly no name resolution.
Currently traceroute is still showing loops and timeouts trying to reach the
primary DNS machine, but the domain names are resolving after a delay, so
maybe the secondary DNS is accessible again...
I am in the process of switching our domain's DNS to a 3rd party that has
their primary and secondary servers on separate subnets, so it should be a
little more robust. Unfortunately this means that there may be another
hiccough tomorrow when the root nameservers are updated. Please be patient,
we'll get it worked out as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, mail for the last two days will probably be trickling in for a
while yet, and probably very out of order.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!