Hi, sorry, for the previous post (caught in a different thread).
I'm using a wxTreeCtrl, and I would like to be able to move around elements of
tree by Drag'N'Drop, does any one have some examples on how to do that ?
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Dziekujemy. TNS OBOP
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I've never done anything with the drag/drop on wxTreeCtrls, but I have
some code that I wrote that does the `move around elements' part--I'll
dig it out and post it, tonight (unless someone else posts first);
then maybe we can help you with the the drag/drop part.
On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 03:15:36PM +0200, TNS OBOP wrote:
I'm using a wxTreeCtrl, and I would like to be able to move around
elements of tree by Drag'N'Drop, does any one have some examples on
how to do that ?
"Everyone can be taught to sculpt:
Michelangelo would have had to be taught not to.
So it is with great programmers." --Alan Perlis
Here's a method (defined on a class derived from wxTreeCtrl) to move nodes:
def reparent_node(self, node, parent):
nodedata = self.GetPyData(node)
newnode = self.AppendItem(parent,
-1, -1,
# if you've stored references to the old node anywhere,
# you want to replace them with references to the new node, here,
# otherwise they'll all be broken when this method completes,
# and may lead to Python crashing.
# Also: if you have things happening in multiple threads,
# you probably want to insert locks at the appropriate places.
if self.ItemHasChildren(node):
if self.IsExpanded(node):
cookie = 0
while 1:
child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(node, cookie)
if not child.IsOk():
self.reparent_node(child, newnode)
return newnode
On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 09:50:30AM -0400, Joshua Judson Rosen wrote:
On Wed, Jul 31, 2002 at 03:15:36PM +0200, TNS OBOP wrote:
> I'm using a wxTreeCtrl, and I would like to be able to move around
> elements of tree by Drag'N'Drop, does any one have some examples on
> how to do that ?
I've never done anything with the drag/drop on wxTreeCtrls, but I have
some code that I wrote that does the `move around elements' part--I'll
dig it out and post it, tonight (unless someone else posts first);
then maybe we can help you with the the drag/drop part.
"Everyone can be taught to sculpt:
Michelangelo would have had to be taught not to.
So it is with great programmers." --Alan Perlis
wxpython-users mailing list
"A picture is worth 10K words -
but only those to describe the picture.
Hardly any sets of 10K words
can be adequately described with pictures." --Alan Perlis