[wxPython] wxToolbar - obtaining IDs

is it possible to get all current displayed toolbar-button ids.

#construct toolbar
          wxBitmap(strImagePath + 'Toolbar/new.gif',
                wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF), "New", "Long help for 'New'")
        EVT_TOOL(self, ID_FILE_NEW_INSTANCE, self.OnFileNewInstance)
# EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED(self, 10, self.Tool_OnRClick)

        tb.AddSimpleTool(ID_FILE_OPEN, wxBitmap(strImagePath + 'Toolbar/open.gif',
                                        wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF), "Open")
        EVT_TOOL(self, ID_FILE_OPEN, self.OnFileOpen)
        tb.AddSimpleTool(ID_FILE_SAVE, wxBitmap(strImagePath + 'Toolbar/save.gif',
                                        wxBITMAP_TYPE_GIF), "Save")
        EVT_TOOL(self, ID_FILE_SAVE, self.OnFileSave)

####### FIND OUt all Ids in a Toolbar
# i search something like
   listHappy = tb.GiveMeAllIDs() #listHappy should have all ID_FILE_... values ...



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is it possible to get all current displayed toolbar-button ids.

You can derive a class from wxToolBar and override AddSimpleTool and track
the IDs youself.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!