[wxPython] [wxPython]trouble using wxPython2.2.1

I've been using version wxPython 2.1.13 up to now, because of bugs I
to update my version to wxPython 2.2.1.

Unfortunately, my wxBitmapButton's won't work now...

self.buttonPreparation = wxBitmapButton(id =
wxID_WXFRAMEMAINBUTTONPREPARATION, bitmap = wxBitmap('./src/bouton.bmp',
wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP), validator = wxDefaultValidator, parent = self.panel,
name = 'buttonRecapitulatif', size = wxSize(15, 15), style = 0, pos =
wxPoint(548, 277))


    def OnButtonPreparationButton(self, event):
        import wxFrameNotebookPreparation
        win = wxFrameNotebookPreparation.create (self)
        win.Show (false)
        win.panel.Reparent (self)
        win.panel.Show (true)
        self.panel.Show (false)

        import wxFramePreparation
        listeFrame = [{'frame': wxFramePreparation, 'nom': 'Préparation
de visite'}]

        self.currentFrames = []
        for elt in listeFrame:
            winFille = elt['frame'].create (self)
            self.currentFrames.append (winFille)
            winFille.Show (false)
            winFille.InitParam (self.base)
            p = win.Ajoute (winFille.panel, elt['nom'])
            if wxPlatform == '__WXMSW__':
                winFille.panel.Reparent (win.notebook)
                winFille.panel.Reparent (p)
                winFille.panel.Reparent (p)

        win.notebook.Show (true)

I've been using version wxPython 2.1.13 up to now, because of bugs I
to update my version to wxPython 2.2.1.

Unfortunately, my wxBitmapButton's won't work now...

In what way do they not work? Don't display correctly? Don't call the
event handler? Or does your event handler not work as expected?


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxpython.org Java give you jitters?
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