Hi all
I have been studying Python programming using wxPython
But, I don't know How to use that by now.
where can I get the wxPython sample code?
Please let me know....
Have nice day....
Hi all
I have been studying Python programming using wxPython
But, I don't know How to use that by now.
where can I get the wxPython sample code?
I depends on how you installed it. If you used the Windows installer then
there is a demo directory under the wxPython package dir. If you built from
source then it is in the demo direcory in the source tree. If you used the
RPMs then look here: http://download.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython-demo-2.2.5.tar.gz
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters? http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!