wxPyLog doesn't seem to 'reflect' some of the underling C++ methods
(specifically SetVerbose)
I only vaguely understand wxPyLog being an overidable version of wxLog.
This, I'm fairly sure, was not a problem with my previous version py 2.1 and
wxPy2.x.x something.
wxPyLog doesn't seem to 'reflect' some of the underling C++ methods
(specifically SetVerbose)
Since wxLog::SetVerbose, and most of the rest are static methods (aka class
methods) they are visible in wxPython as wxLog_SetVerbose.
I only vaguely understand wxPyLog being an overidable version of wxLog.
It means that a special wxPyLog class has been created that allows some C++
methods to be overridden in Python, so when the C++ method is called from
somewhere else in the C++ code, the call is reflected to the Python method.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters? http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!
Since wxLog::SetVerbose, and most of the rest are static methods (aka
methods) they are visible in wxPython as wxLog_SetVerbose.
Thanks, that is good to know. I've encountered other methods that didn't
seem to have wxPython equivalents. (I struggled around them) They were
probably static as well.
I've never found that info "static methods are class_methodname" after using
wxPython for about a year now.
Thanks again, the pleasure in my life is greatly increased now.