[wxPython] wxProgressDialog - wxPD_SMOOTH

According to the documentation, wxPD_SMOOTH is suppoed to product a "smooth"
bar for the dialog and is valid for WIN/32 systems. I'm using wxPython/wxWindows on
a WIN/NT 4.0 built with VC++6 and when I put wxPD_SMOOTH in the style
when the dialog is created, I get an error indicating "NameError: wxPD_SMOOTH". If
I take it out, the dialog works, but with a "segmented bar".

Does anyone have any clue as to what's wrong? I know it isn't my code because I
modified the wxProgressDialog.py file distributed with wxPython and it fails also when
I add wxPD_SMOOTH.

Please email me directly, as well as post to the list.


John Blacker
Director, Qualtech, Inc.
480 Wintery Circle N.
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Ph: 719-264-7855
Email: jcblacker@mindspring.com
Fax: 719-264-7855
Home: 719-598-6721
Cell/Voice mail: 719-648-3746

According to the documentation, wxPD_SMOOTH is suppoed to product a


bar for the dialog and is valid for WIN/32 systems. I'm using
wxPython/wxWindows on
a WIN/NT 4.0 built with VC++6 and when I put wxPD_SMOOTH in the style
when the dialog is created, I get an error indicating "NameError:
I take it out, the dialog works, but with a "segmented bar".

There's actually two problems. The first problem is in the docs, it should
be wxGA_SMOOTH, i.e. the smooth flag for the wxGauge.

The second problem is in the code for wxProgressDialog. It has the
propogation of the wxGA_SMOOTH flag from the dialog style to the wxGauge
commented out because wxGA_SMOOTH conflicts with a dialog style and will
cause problems if used.

So for now this flag is unsupported...


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxpython.org Java give you jitters?
http://wxpros.com Relax with wxPython!