[wxPython] wxMDIParentFrame, window-menu and locale language

I've found no hint while checking the archive, to
change the language of the 'window' menu-entry of the

You can change the menu that is used in the MDI parent with the
GetWindowMenu and SetWindowMenu methods.


Robin Dunn

thanks Robin for the hint... I figured out how to change the name of the
menutitems, some kind of:

        mdiMenu = self.GetWindowMenu()
        menuitemNamesDict = {'Cascade': 'Überlappend',
                             'Tile Horizontally': 'Nebeneinander',
                             'Tile Vertically': 'Untereinander',
                             '': '',
                             'Arrange Icons': 'Symbole anordnen',
                             'Next': 'Nächstes'}

        print [x.GetLabel() for x in mdiMenu.GetMenuItems()]

        for menuitem in mdiMenu.GetMenuItems():
            if menuitem.GetLabel() <> '': #Dont change the seperator

but changing the Menu-Label from windows --> Fenster???

        menubar = self.MyMenuBarFunc() #One additional 'Datei' Menu from my
        print menubar.GetMenuCount() #--> the result is 1
        menubar.SetLabelTop(0, 'Fenster') #0 changes the label of my 'Datei'
Menu, and 1 gets an error
        self.SetMenuBar( menubar )

how can I change the wxMenu 'windows' name??

thanks again for any hint

how can I change the wxMenu 'windows' name??

wxMenuBar.SetLabelTop should do it.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!