[wxPython] [wxMac] wxGtk, wxPython in Fink Distribution?

I don't suppose anyone with more knowledge than I have is interested in adding wxGTK and wxPython for Mac OS X (under x windows) to Fink (http://sourceforge.net/projects/fink) distribution archive.


GNU Enterprise

I don't suppose anyone with more knowledge than I have is interested
in adding wxGTK and wxPython for Mac OS X (under x windows) to Fink
(Fink download | SourceForge.net) distribution archive.

That's a tough one. wxGTK does not compile on MacOS X, and wxPython won't
build against wxMac (which does compile).

I wrestled with that for a while, but it is way beyond my scope. You'll
need someone to get wxGTK to compile on MacOS X first. (wxPython should not
be a problem then, as it will build against wxGTK)
