[wxPython] wxListCtrl

I use wxListCtrl(self.split, ID_L,
to create a list in a splitted window. The functionality of the list is
great. I have some colums with different width per line. I didn't find how
to set the multicolumn feature described in the docs:

wxLC_REPORT single or multicolumn report view, with optional header.

The information of a line should fit on the window without scrolling.


  ~Guenther Fischer

Guenther Fischer schrieb:

I use wxListCtrl(self.split, ID_L,
to create a list in a splitted window. The functionality of the list is
great. I have some colums with different width per line. I didn't find how
to set the multicolumn feature described in the docs:

wxLC_REPORT single or multicolumn report view, with optional header.

see example.

The information of a line should fit on the window without scrolling.

surely horizontal ?
breaking into pieces (list of texts) and add it as a new line
in the desired columns (see example)?
See also demo/wxGrid/Editors and Renderers (GridStdEdRend.py), there's
longer one-line text visible as multiline.

example from me, but the list is the a child of a notebook not of

self.event_list= wxListCtrl(parent, self.event_listid,
for i in xrange(0, cnt_col):
  if col_align[i] == 'l':
    self.event_list.InsertColumn(i, col_h[i], wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT)
    self.event_list.InsertColumn(i, col_h[i], wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT)

#inserting rows
row_ix= 0
for i in xrange(0, len(self.evnt_txt_list)):
  evnt_t= self.evnt_txt_list[i][1]
  self.event_list.InsertStringItem(row_ix, evnt_t[0])
  self.event_list.SetItemData(row_ix, self.evnt_txt_list[i][0])
  for j in xrange(1, len(evnt_t)):
    col_ix= j
    txt= evnt_t[j]
    if type(txt) == types.ListType:
      #column-text is a list of texts: add a new row
      #and put in the last column (so I want to do)
      for k in xrange(0, len(txt)):
        if k > 0:
          row_ix= row_ix +1
          self.event_list.SetItemData(row_ix, self.evnt_txt_list[i][0])
          self.event_list.InsertStringItem(row_ix, '')
          self.event_list.SetStringItem(row_ix, col_ix, txt[k])
      self.event_list.SetStringItem(row_ix, col_ix, evnt_t[j])
    row_ix= row_ix +1

for i in xrange(0, cnt_col):
  hw= self.event_list.GetTextExtent(col_h[i])[0] +12 #12 is
  self.event_list.SetColumnWidth(i, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE) #wxLIST_AUTOSIZE
not for GTK (in the doc)?
  cw= self.event_list.GetColumnWidth(i)
  if cw < hw:
    self.event_list.SetColumnWidth(i, hw)

regards, Udo Floegel