[wxPython] wxGrid Cell Format

Hi guys

I am having a little trouble with the format of numeric fields in a wxGrid
using Boa and wxPython 2.3.

There are a couple of fields which are automatically calculated, and I wish
to have them displayed with a fixed number of decimals. They however display
with a whole bunch of decimals. When I click twice on the cell (not tab into
or double click), the correct display appears, and when focus is lost the
display reverts to the max number of decimals.

Code is based on GridCustTable in the demo, and the WXGRID_VALUE_FLOAT

Anyone got any ideas on a fix?


Lynndon Harnell

Code snippet is as follows.----------------------------------

from wxPython.wx import *
from wxPython.lib.anchors import LayoutAnchors
from wxPython.lib.bcrtl.user.StaticTextCtrl import *
from wxPython.grid import *
from wxPython.lib.buttons import *
from math import *
import string
global TotVol
global sPsmys
PipeGridData = [
            [1, 30000, 610.0, 9.53, "X-70", 483,0,0],
            [2, 10000, 610.0, 9.53, "X-70",483,0,0]
def GridUpdate(GridData):
    for i in range(0,z):
       # calc volume
        length = GridData[i][1]
        temp1 = GridData[i][3]
        temp1 = float(temp1) / 1000 # wall thickness in m
        idia = float(GridData[i][2]) / 1000
        idia = idia - 2 * temp1
        vol = length * pi/4
        vol = vol * idia * idia # in m3
        GridData[i][6] = vol
       # calc SMYS
        if GridData[i][4] == "B":
            GridData[i][5] = 241
        elif GridData[i][4][0:1] =="X":
            GridData[i][5] = int(float(GridData[i][4][2:4]) * 6.895)
    # calc Psmys
        Psmys = 2 * temp1 * GridData[i][5]
        if idia <> 0:
            Psmys = Psmys / idia # in MPa
        GridData[i][7] = Psmys

def CalcVol(GridData,Tvol):
    Tvol = 0
    for i in range(0,z):
        Tvol = Tvol + GridData[i][6]
    print "CalcVol ",Tvol
    return Tvol

def CalcPsmys(GridData,mPsmys):
    mPsmys = 1000000
    for i in range(0,z):
        if GridData[i][7] <> 0:
            mPsmys = min(mPsmys,GridData[i][7])
    print "CalcPsmys ",mPsmys
    return mPsmys
TotVol = CalcVol(PipeGridData,TotVol)
SPsmys = CalcPsmys(PipeGridData,SPsmys)


class PipesTable(wxPyGridTableBase):
    def __init__(self):
        self.colLabels = ColHeaders
        self.dataTypes = [wxGRID_VALUE_NUMBER,
                          wxGRID_VALUE_CHOICE +
                          wxGRID_VALUE_FLOAT + ':4 , 2',
                          wxGRID_VALUE_CHOICE +
                          wxGRID_VALUE_FLOAT + ':6 , 3',
                          wxGRID_VALUE_FLOAT + ':6, 3']
        self.data = PipeGridData
    # required methods for the wxPyGridTableBase interface

    def GetNumberRows(self):
        return len(self.data)

    def GetNumberCols(self):
        return len(self.data[0])

    def IsEmptyCell(self, row, col):
        return not self.data[row][col]

    def GetValue(self, row, col):
            return self.data[row][col]
        except IndexError:
            return ''

    def SetValue(self, row, col, value):
            self.data[row][col] = value
        except IndexError:
            # add a new row
            print "error"
    def GetColLabelValue(self, col):
        return self.colLabels[col]

    def GetTypeName(self, row, col):
        return self.dataTypes[col]

    def CanGetValueAs(self, row, col, typeName):
        colType = string.split(self.dataTypes[col], ':')[0]
        if typeName == colType:
            return true
            return false

    def CanSetValueAs(self, row, col, typeName):
        return self.CanGetValueAs(row, col, typeName)

# -----------------------------------------
class PipesGrid(wxGrid):
        wxGrid.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name)
        self.table = PipesTable()

        self.SetTable(self.table, true)


        for i in range(NCols):

    def SetData(self,data):
        for row in range(len(data)):
            for col in range(len(data[row])):
# ----------------------------------------------

I use a type like this:


...and the table renders the numbers for me just fine. (I did have to make own editor and validator, though, in order to edit the currency values.)