[wxPython] wxFileHistory problem


I've tryed to use file history in a MDI application
but when I open a second file an error appears:
   "wxMenu.SetLabel: no such item"
and the file menu doesn't show the entire list of
recent files for the last child frame

I use wxPython for Python 2.2 on win98

Best regards,

Here is a sample:

from wxPython.wx import *
FileHistoryManager = None
def InitializeFileMenu (window, OnOpenFile):
  global FileHistoryManager
  fileMenu = wxMenu ()
  openId = wxNewId ()
  fileMenu.Append (openId, "Open file")
  EVT_MENU (window, openId, OnOpenFile)
  if not FileHistoryManager:
    FileHistoryManager = wxFileHistory ()
  return fileMenu

def RemoveFromFileHistory (menu):
  FileHistoryManager.RemoveMenu (menu)
def OpenFile (mainFrame):
  dlg = wxFileDialog (mainFrame, style=wxOPEN)
  rez = dlg.ShowModal ()
  if rez == wxID_OK:
    filepath = dlg.GetPath ()
  frame = DataFrame (filepath, mainFrame)
  AddANewHistoryMenu (frame.GetMenuBar().GetMenu (0),
def AddANewHistoryMenu (menu, filepath=None):
  FileHistoryManager.UseMenu (menu)
  if filepath:
    FileHistoryManager.AddFileToHistory (filepath)
class DataFrame(wxMDIChildFrame):
  def __init__(self, filepath, parent):
    wxMDIChildFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1,
    self.parent = parent
    #initialize MenuBar
    self.SetMenuBar (self.InitializeMenuBar ())

    EVT_CLOSE (self, self.OnCloseWindow)
  def InitializeMenuBar (self):
    menuBar = wxMenuBar ()
    fileMenu = InitializeFileMenu (self,
    menuBar.Append (fileMenu, "&File")
    return menuBar

  def OnOpenFile (self, evt):
    OpenFile (self.parent)
  def OnCloseWindow (self, evt):
    RemoveFromFileHistory (self.GetMenuBar ().GetMenu
    self.Destroy ()

class MainFrame(wxMDIParentFrame):
  def __init__(self, parent=None):
    wxMDIParentFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1,
    #initialize MenuBar
    self.SetMenuBar (self.InitializeMenuBar ())
    AddANewHistoryMenu (self.GetMenuBar ().GetMenu (0))
    EVT_CLOSE (self, self.OnCloseWindow)
    self.Maximize ()

  def InitializeMenuBar (self):
    menuBar = wxMenuBar ()
    fileMenu = InitializeFileMenu (self,
    menuBar.Append (fileMenu, "&File")
    return menuBar

  def OnOpenFile (self, evt):
    OpenFile (self)

  def OnCloseWindow (self, evt):
    self.Destroy ()

class App(wxApp):
  def OnInit(self):
    frame = MainFrame ()
    frame.Show (true)
    return true

app = App(0)


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Lucian Marinescu wrote:


I've tryed to use file history in a MDI application
but when I open a second file an error appears:
   "wxMenu.SetLabel: no such item"
and the file menu doesn't show the entire list of
recent files for the last child frame

Since you are creating a new menu for each child window, you need to add the files already in the history to each one. This change will do it for you:

def AddANewHistoryMenu (menu, filepath=None):
  FileHistoryManager.UseMenu (menu)
  if filepath:
    FileHistoryManager.AddFileToHistory (filepath)


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
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