<smarmy salesperson>
Ah, those early adopters of the mailing list, what luck you have! So many people from the old list weren't sharp enough to recognize its loss and discover this new list... but you -- yes, *you* -- are one of the stellar few who are such bright and shining examples of high intelligence that you now have the opportunity to give your feedback on a proposed structure for the class references being developed for wxPython!
</smarmy salesperson>
That sales pitch all being done with, I'm happy to report that all you need to do is visit http://www.wxpython.org/docs/ and take a look.
The details of wxButton are not technically correct. It doesn't matter. What's important is that the layout/structure work for you.
Will this help you find the information you need quickly and easily? Is there an excess of detail... or is there too little? Are things laid out in a logical order for you?
What additional hyperlinks are needed? (Ones that quickly flick the screen down to the details section, for starters; next/previous page ones, too, perhaps; probably every class should have a link to the overview pages; etc.)
Please send your comments to me, priest@sfu.ca