[wxPython] wxConfig: Linux=works, Win=no_works???

As a prelude to using wxConfig for my application, i wrote a quick
script to parse a windows ini file for another application my script
will run on a windows machine.

i bring the ini file over to linux and run my script, and the ini file
is parsed corectly.

when i run the script under windows, i get nottin. when i poke around
the entry of the first group looks like CLSID ???

has anyone else noticed trouble with windows version?

many thanks

les schaffer


     da script:

from wxPython.utils import *

# i change this for windows work:
base = '/home/godzilla/Engineering/dspring/stoplite/LedTests/PySrc'
iniFile = base + '/' + 'led.ini'

cf = wxConfig( localFilename=iniFile , style=wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE)

more, entry, next = cf.GetFirstGroup()
while more:
  print entry
  cf.SetPath('/' + entry )
  moreE, entryE, nextE = cf.GetFirstEntry()
  while moreE:
    print '%s = %s'%(entryE, cf.Read(entryE))
    moreE, entryE, nextE = cf.GetNextEntry(nextE)
  more, entry, next = cf.GetNextGroup(next)

a piece of the ini file:


As a prelude to using wxConfig for my application, i wrote a quick
script to parse a windows ini file for another application my script
will run on a windows machine.

i bring the ini file over to linux and run my script, and the ini file
is parsed corectly.

when i run the script under windows, i get nottin. when i poke around
the entry of the first group looks like CLSID ???

On MSW, the wxConfig class uses the registry. To force use of an ini file
you need to use wxFileConfig.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
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