wxComboBox with wxCB_READONLY
I’m having some difficulty with wxComboBox.
- When I create it with the wxCB_READONLY flag the initial value is
not accepted, even though it is in the list of values that I am specifying.
The initial value is accepted when using wxCB_DROPDOWN, but then
the text field is editable – which I don’t want in some cases.
- In the cases when I do want the text field to be directly editable,
I would like to just use the same basic event handling as for a text
entry box. However, the KILL_FOCUS event doesn’t seem to behave
the same, and the TEXT_ENTER event isn’t responded to at all – I
need both of these events in order to do validation on the value.
Any help, as always, greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Jeff Kotula Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Vital Images jkotula@vitalimages.com
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