wxCmdLineParser does not seem to be included in wxPython. Since after from
wxPython.wx import *, it is not visible. Is this corrrect? How to get it?
wxCmdLineParser does not seem to be included in wxPython. Since after from
wxPython.wx import *, it is not visible. Is this corrrect? How to get it?
wxCmdLineParser does not seem to be included in wxPython. Since after from
wxPython.wx import *, it is not visible. Is this corrrect? How to get it?
I think this falls into the category of Python provides a better alternative
in the standard libs, so wxPython doesn't bother to wrap that wxWindows
class. I'm pretty sure Optik http://optik.sourceforge.net/ will be included
in Python 2.3 and that is another option for use with Python 2.2.x today if
you want to download it from the site above.