wxButton style
I’ve been trying to modify the border style (via SetWindowStyle) for a wxButton but have had
no luck. Is there a trick to it or is this unsupported?
Jeff Kotula Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Vital Images jkotula@vitalimages.com
Renunciation is not giving up the things of this world,
but accepting that they go away.
-- Suzuki Roshi
I've been trying to modify the border style (via SetWindowStyle) for a
wxButton but have had
no luck. Is there a trick to it or is this unsupported?
No, since it's a native control it may or may not honor the border styles.
There's really no way to force the natvie controls into using it.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!