[wxPython] wx + Python: demo complete

The wx + Python demo is at last complete. See the documentation at:

PyDemo.zip contains documentation, source code and executable.
You may download the file PyDemo.zip at from my SourceForge site:

The primary sources are in a .leo file, so the best way to
understand the code is with Leo, also available at the SourceForge
site. The derived C/C++ files are also quite readable.

The demo illustrates all aspects of embedding the Python interpreter
into an application. The demo shows how to access the app's commands
and data from python. Interface code was created initially using SWIG,
then modified by hand. Full details of this process are included in the

The code defines a subclass of wxFrame called wxPythonFrame.
wxPythonFrame makes it easy to embed Python in a wxWindows program
(running on Windows). The PythonLink module takes care of linking
issues on Windows: linking the wxPythonWindow and PythonLink code into a
wxWindows program requires no special linking options. There is no
separate wxPythonInterp class, and the PythonLink module could form the
basis of such a class if desired.

The wxPythonWindow class works only on Windows. The demo has been
compiled only with Borland C++ Builder 4.0. A little new code would
likely be needed when using other compilers. Porting this code to Linux
or Macintosh would require substantial revision to the PythonLink module
and possibly to wxPythonWindow.

I have no plans to go further with the wx + Python project. I hope
others will extend the wxPythonFrame class to other platforms. Of
course, I will be happy to answer any questions about it and to correct
serious bugs. It would be nice if this code were included in the
contrib or samples parts of the wx distribution.

As always, questions and comments are welcome.



Edward K. Ream email: edream@tds.net
Leo: Literate Editor with Outlines
Leo: http://personalpages.tds.net/~edream/front.html
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