[wxPython] ws2_32.dll missing

Frédéric Mazué wrote:

Hi everybody
I use to programm with wxPython under Linux
I have now to work with Windows 95 ( :frowning: )
I have already installed and compiled wxWindows. Everything work fine
I have installed wxPython, but it does'nt work. import wxc fails, saying
that one dll is missing.
I checked the dépendencies in wx21_15.dll and it appears that wx21_15.dll
imports functions from ws2_32.dll which is missing.
what is this dll ? where to get it ? Or may be is there somebody who can
post it ?

It is a DLL from MS winsock version 2.
Win95 originally comes with winsock version 1.x, so you need to get the
winsock 2 update for Win 95 from Microsoft (just under 1 Meg).
another Fred :slight_smile: