How are you adding items to the tree?
-----Original Message-----
From: Alessandro Iob []
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 2:24 PM
Subject: [wxPython] win32 wxTreeCtrl SortChildren() bug?
I've a wxTreeCtrl sorted at root with SortChildren () method. On
linux/gtk it works, on Windows (in my case windows 2000) not.
It does not work neither as a direct wxTreeCtrl nor as a derived class
as the following:
class SortedTree (wxTreeCtrl):
def __init__ (self, parent, id, pos=wxDefaultPosition, size =
wxDefaultSize, style = wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS, validator = wxDefaultValidator,
name = "listCtrl"):
wxTreeCtrl.__init__ (self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
def OnCompareItems (self, item1, item2):
#t1 = self.GetPyData (item1)
#t2 = self.GetPyData (item2)
t1 = self.GetItemText (item1)
t2 = self.GetItemText (item2)
print 'compare: ' , item1,t1 , ' <> ' , item2,t2
r = None
if t1 < t2: r = -1
if t1 == t2: r = 0
else: r = 1
return r
It has t1,t2 values always set to 'None' in both cases above
(un/commented ones), but
item1,item2 are correct "<C wxTreeItemId instance at
I set items data at init time with tree.SetPyData (item, ('a','tuple')).
Any suggestions?
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