I ran the demo and it says the module wxWindows.wx is missing. A search on my computer shows it is not present. Is it not distributed with wxPython? I am running Win95
I ran the demo and it says the module wxWindows.wx is missing. A search on my computer shows it is not present. Is it not distributed with wxPython? I am running Win95
You probably mean wxPython.wx. Look for the wxPython directory that was installed. It is a Python package and within that directory you will find wx.py. That is the module refered to by wxPython.wx. In order for Python to find it the directory that contains the wxPython directory needs to either be on the PYTHONPATH or in a directory that is automatically searched. If you run this you can see what those directories are:
python -c "import sys; print sys.path"
----- Original Message -----
Kim Brown
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 5:34 PM
Subject: [wxPython] Where is wxWindows.wx?
I ran the demo and it says the module wxWindows.wx is missing. A search on my computer shows it is not present. Is it not distributed with wxPython? I am running Win95