[wxPython] unicode


I tried to do a print u’\u304b’ on a W2k machine with ActivePython-2.2.5.

I did not get the expected charater on the interactive input.

A post on comp.lang.python on this issue was replied

but these suggestions did not help.

Now I installed wxPython-2.2.5-Py21.EXE.

I tried to see some special character with the following code snippet:

from wxPython.wx import *

class TstApp(wxApp) :
def OnInit(self):
f = wxDialog(None, -1, ‘Try’)
b = wxButton(f, 1, u"\u304B", wxPoint(20, 20))
return 1;

All I get is a dialog with button with as label a question mark (?).

Is there any change of showing unicode with wxPython?

Is the problem with python, wxWindows or wxPython?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards.
