[wxPython] Smaller Icons

Thanks all for suggesting how to get the Windows Explorer icons into my
little app. It works fine.
However, I'm only getting the large icons and would like to smaller onces as
Any ideas?



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Thanks all for suggesting how to get the Windows Explorer icons into my
little app. It works fine.
However, I'm only getting the large icons and would like to smaller onces


Any ideas?

There's some new capabilities that have been added just recently to be able
to get different icons out of .ico files with more than one image in it, but
I don't think that applies to the wxMimeTypeManager...

What you can do is load the icon into a wxImage and then use it's methods to
resize the image to 16x16 and then convert it back to a wxBitmap for use in
your program.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!