would anyone know of a implementation of scintilla / wxStyledTextCtrl to
edit XML? (or any other text based XML editing tool for wxPython)
I would like to hear from the project. Alternatively, has anyone
suggestions on how to implement this? (where could I learn from?)
Horst Eyermann
You need a dictionary? - visit http://www.freedict.de
for free (GPL) dictionaries (unix; windows work in progress)
For windows, visit http://www.freedict.de/wbuch
A article (in German) about dictionary efforts on the net
Have you already looked at:
--- horst@freedict.de wrote:
would anyone know of a implementation of scintilla /
wxStyledTextCtrl to edit XML? (or any other text based
XML editing tool for wxPython)
I would like to hear from the project. Alternatively, has anyone
suggestions on how to implement this? (where could I learn from?)
Donnal Walter
Arkansas Children's Hospital
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