Hi. I cannot trigger the SCN_POSCHANGED event ?!
SCN_CHARADDED and the others respond OK.
As I understand it, it should trigger when the user moves the
cursor/insertion point around ?
(if not, plese tell what is supposed to trigger it).
I map it in __init__, with EVT_STC_POSCHANGED(self, 189,
- a similar mapping makes STC_MODIFIED and STC_CHARADDED work.
I looked through the various py header stuff, and the entries for
POSCHANGED looks identical
to those for e.g. CHAR_ADDED. Only 'difference' is, that it appears last in
some lists, but something always has to...
I can neither get it to trigger on Linux(python2.1) nor Windows (wx2.3,
I tried with wx2.2.5 to no avail.
Regarding Scintilla: version 1.33 log mentions something corrected
POSCHANGED (the note said something like 'now works... ?'), and the
lastest available version is 1.38.
I don't know though, which version is used with wxWindows/wxPython ?
So, pretty please with sugar on top, does anyone know if/how POSCHANGED
should work ?
PS: as I said, my impression from the docs is that it should trigger
whenever the cursor moves.
Could it be something with some kind of mask, where I have to enable
something to allow the message
to be passed on ? I find it strange, that it behaves similar on unix and
Regards, Jakob Gaardsted.