Desire to save data to file.
Presently using wxListCtrl, connecting to sql database and reading data
into "row" using:
row = self.curs.fetchall()
Insert data into columns as follows:
while cnt < rcnt:
#print row[cnt]
rrow = row[cnt]
self.out.InsertStringItem(cnt, str(row[cnt]))
for x in range(0,nrcol,1):
cnt = cnt+1
Presently saving to file as follows:
trec = len(self.row)
for rec in range(trec):
The problem with the above save is that
the record is enclosed in '(', ')'
number fields have a 'L' tacked onto the end
I am saving to a file so that I may put the data into a spreadsheet and
generate a report.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
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