[wxPython] RE: WxPython Question

Hmm, wxPython is a GUI programming library, so about the only GUI you're
going to find would be the demo. If I'm not mistaken, it would be in
something like: /bin/python/wxPython/demo/demo.py or
/usr/env/python/wxPython/demo/demo.py, and you'd run it just by giving it's
name. I've not used Linux enough to know any more (I've only used it for 2
or 3 days 4 years ago), so I'd suggest asking the wxPython list.

www.wxpython.org is another place you might find info.

Good luck,


-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Smigelski [mailto:DerekS@mip.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 2:48 PM
To: mfletch@tpresence.com
Subject: WxPython Question

I was wondering if you would mind helping a newbie. I've just installed
WxPython on RedHat 6.2 and have a dumb question. It did not update my start
menu (as in windows) so Where do I find the file in which to run the GUI
from? I tried setting up a shortcut, but could not find the find? Is there
a site that can help with the basic WxPython install and setup questions?

Derek Smigelski

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