Look forward to hearing from you (this one has achieved
show-stopper status in my project for the last few
BTW, you can get a pretty good aproximation of wxDialog by using a wxFrame
with a wxPanel in it and calling the frame's MakeModal method. There are
some differences programatically, but visually and behaviorally it's about
the same.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters? http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!
I get the feeling Linux differentiates between the two window types more
than Windows does... for instance, under some Sawfish themes, the title
bar which appears on the top of a frame window appears in a reduced form
on the side instead for a dialog window... saves screen real estate and
is quite a nice feature...
However, as your suggestion would let me continue with my project, I may
well move the code across for now and migrate it back as and when the
wxGTK lot find a proper fix... I'm all in favour of bodges personally
Thanks again for your efforts this evening (well, I dunno about your
time zone, but it's midnight now in mine).
On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Robin Dunn wrote:
BTW, you can get a pretty good aproximation of wxDialog by using a wxFrame
with a wxPanel in it and calling the frame's MakeModal method. There are
some differences programatically, but visually and behaviorally it's about
the same.
Denny De La Haye \ www-edc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~djd33
Engineering Design Centre, \ www-edc.eng.cam.ac.uk
Department of Engineering, \ www.eng.cam.ac.uk
University of Cambridge, UK \ www.cam.ac.uk
"The more you read, the less everyone else knows"
> BTW, you can get a pretty good aproximation of wxDialog by using a
> with a wxPanel in it and calling the frame's MakeModal method. There
> some differences programatically, but visually and behaviorally it's
> the same.
I get the feeling Linux differentiates between the two window types more
than Windows does... for instance, under some Sawfish themes, the title
bar which appears on the top of a frame window appears in a reduced form
on the side instead for a dialog window... saves screen real estate and
is quite a nice feature...
Yeah, I didn't think of different window managers or more esoteric themes.
I tend to stick with a more "normal" look on all my platforms, for some
constantly changing definition of "normal" <grin>
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters? http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!